Housing Assistance

Eviction Information & Resources:
If you are facing eviction, please contact Iowa Legal Aid. People who cannot afford an attorney may be eligible for their services. Call 1-800-532-1275 or visit their website www.iowalegalaid.org to apply online.​
If you are currently homeless, please utilize the Primary Health Care – Homeless Support Services. Their services are provided as a walk-in appointment only at
1200 University Avenue, #110A, Des Moines, IA 50314.
Please call 211 for other housing resources available in your community​
Updated 11/21/2023
HPP – Homelessness Prevention Program (Short-Term)
HPP- Homelessness Prevention Program (Short-Term)
What is the program?
The HPP program provides rent/mortgage assistance to households that are unable to pay their rent or are currently behind on payments. We can assist up to $300 once per year. This program is available in Boone, Jasper, Marion and Warren counties.
Am I eligible?
Households must be at or below 175% on the Federal Poverty Level and must reside in Boone, Jasper, Marion or Warren counties. Funding for this program will vary.
To apply for this program, please call 515-518-4770.
What documentation is required?
Identification for all household members.
Proof of the last 30 days (or previous year’s) income.
Statement or lease agreement from your landlord.
HPP – Homelessness Prevention Program (Long-Term)
What is the program?
The HPP long-term program provides financial assistance toward rent for 6 months and case management for 12 months. The goal is to prevent homelessness or provide stability for those that are currently homeless. This program also provides financial coaching and resource navigation. This is only available in Warren County.
Am I eligible?
Households must be at or below 30% of the Area Median Income which is determined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This program is only for Warren County residents.
To apply for this program, please call 515-518-4770.
TBRA – Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program
What is the program?
The Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program offers households assistance with their rent for up to 2 years if funding is available. Households must pay 30% of their income towards their rent. The TBRA program currently has a waitlist and is not open to the public.
Am I eligible?
Households must be at or below 60% Area Median Income in order to be eligible. You must also have a referral from the FaDSS Program (Family Development Self-Sufficiency Program).