Food Assistance

Monthly Food Pantry:
This program is designed to provide a two- to three-day provision of groceries for families. Families are able to come into the food pantry and choose their items based on the number of people within their household.
Where are the Food Pantries?
Food pantry visitors may come to shop at one of the food pantries in Ankeny, Boone or the Drake Neighborhood without an appointment. The food pantries are open 8:00am–4:30pm. Polk County residents can also choose to have their food order delivered by calling 515-518-4770 to place an order.
All of our food pantries are equal opportunity providers. View the USDA non-discrimination statement. IMPACT is a proud partner of the DMARC Food Pantry Network and the Food Bank of Iowa, all are equal opportunity providers.
Am I eligible?
All families in need of food are able to receive it at any of our food pantries, regardless of income. Households may access this service once per calendar month.
How can I get my food?
Most families will shop for the food in the pantry location closest to them:
Pick-Up: Families can choose their food items at the Ankeny, Boone or the Drake Neighborhood food pantries.
If you are picking up food for a homebound family member or friend, a current proxy form will be required. Please note that the household will still need to complete an intake with one of our staff members.
Delivery: Families living in Polk County can also choose to have their food pantry order delivered to their home. For a food order call 515-518-4770 for delivery. During the phone intake, families can select a delivery time that works best for them up to a week in advance.
Food Pantry Online Ordering:
IMPACT’s online ordering system is designed to feel similar to online ordering at grocery stores. The online ordering system offers a quick and efficient pick up option at both the Des Moines (near Drake University neighborhood) and Ankeny food pantry locations.
To access the online ordering system:
You must have a valid email and access to the internet.
Call IMPACT’s mainline to create your account, 515-518-4770.
Once your account is created you will received an email with your username, a 6-digit PIN and a link to register in the system portal.
Online ordering is only for food pantry orders. If you are interested in our other assistance programs such as: personal care items, diapers, formula or food cards, you will need to call the main IMPACT line at 515-518-4770.
Anytime Shelves:
Our Ankeny, Boone and Drake Neighborhood food pantries also have “Anytime Shelves.” At this time, all “Anytime” items will be available on a first-come-first-served basis on shelving located just inside the office doors. Families do not need to call or speak with a staff member to use the anytime shelves. Items vary daily and are located just inside the food pantry entrances.
IMPACT Resource Centers located in counties where we do not have a food pantry (Jasper, Marion and Warren) offer limited access to food cards for local grocery stores. Please call 515-518-4770 to check on the availability of the cards.
Iowa Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program:
What is the Program?
Seniors are able to receive fresh, nutritious, locally grown fruits, vegetables, honey and herbs from farmers’ markets and roadside stands. This program not only helps seniors, but also helps develop new and additional farmers’ markets, roadside stands and community supported agriculture programs.
Each eligible individual receives 10 – $5 checks or $50 in benefits.
The checks can be used to purchase fresh, nutritious, unprepared fruits, vegetables, herbs and honey.
Each person can receive SFMNP once per year.
Checks can be used between June 1st and October 31st.
Am I eligible?
You must be 60 years of age or older
Your yearly income must be at or less than:
$27,861 if single
$37,814 if a married couple
How can I apply?
Residents of Boone, Jasper, Marion, Polk and Warren counties may apply by contacting IMPACT Community Action Partnership:
By phone: 515-518-4770
By email: