Disaster Assistance

When the Governor of Iowa declares a disaster emergency in one of IMPACT’s counties, we open the Iowa Individual Disaster Program and Individual Disaster Case Advocacy. Individuals impacted by natural disasters (flooding or severe weather like wind storms and tornadoes) may be eligible for financial assistance to replace or repair damaged property. Case advocacy is available for individuals requiring resource navigation for outstanding needs.
The Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program provides grants of up to $7,000 for households with incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level. Grants are available for home or car repairs, replacement of personal property or food, and temporary housing expenses. Original receipts are required for those seeking reimbursement for actual expenses related to storm recovery. The grant application and instructions are available on the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management website. Potential applicants have 45 days from the date of the governor's proclamation to submit a claim.
The Disaster Case Advocacy Program addresses serious needs related to disaster-related hardship, injury, or adverse conditions. Disaster case advocates work with clients to create a disaster recovery plan and provide guidance, advice, and referrals to obtain a service or resource. There are no income eligibility requirements for this program; it closes 180 days from the date of the governor’s proclamation.
For more information, contact disaster@impactcap.org or 515-348-8555.
Boone County
0 Active Declarations
No active disaster declarations
Inactive Declarations
No inactive disaster declarations
Jasper County
0 Active Declaration
No active disaster declarations
Inactive Declarations
There are currently no active disaster declarations for Jasper County. However, if you have an unmet, disaster-related need from the May 20th storms, IMPACT may be able to assist you with Disaster Case Advocacy. Please note that this program does not provide any direct financial assistance.
If you are interested in working closely with an IMPACT Disaster Case Advocate on your recovery or you have any questions, please email disaster@impactcap.org or call 515-348-8555.
Marion County
0 Active Declarations
No active disaster declarations
Inactive Declarations
There are currently no active disaster declarations for Marion County. However, if you have an unmet, disaster-related need from the May 6th or May 20th storms, IMPACT may be able to assist you with Disaster Case Advocacy. Please note that this program does not provide any direct financial assistance. If you are interested in working closely with an IMPACT Disaster Case Advocate on your recovery or you have any questions, please email disaster@impactcap.org or call 515-348-8555.
Polk County
0 Active Declarations
No active disaster declarations
Inactive Declarations
There are currently no active disaster declarations for Polk County. However, if you have an unmet, disaster-related need from the May 20th, April 26th, July 15th, or July 29th storms, IMPACT may be able to assist you with Disaster Case Advocacy. Please note that this program does not provide any direct financial assistance. If you are interested in working closely with an IMPACT Disaster Case Advocate on your recovery or you have any questions, please email disaster@impactcap.org or call 515-348-8555.
Warren County
0 Active Declarations
No active disaster declarations
Inactive Declarations
There are currently no active disaster declarations for Warren County. However, if you have an unmet, disaster-related need from May 20th storms, IMPACT may be able to assist you with Disaster Case Advocacy. Please note that this program does not provide any direct financial assistance.
If you are interested in working closely with an IMPACT Disaster Case Advocate on your recovery or you have any questions, please email disaster@impactcap.org or call 515-348-8555