Energy Assistance Appointments
Directions to the Drake Office
If using GPS, please type in the following address: 1119 33rd Street, Des Moines, IA, 50311
If approaching from University Avenue:
Turn south onto 31st Street (toward the highway and away from Drake's campus)
Turn right onto Cottage Grove Ave
Turn right onto 33rd street (note: it will say "Dead End" - this is correct)
Proceed until the road ends and you will see a parking lot directly in front of IMPACT's offices
If approaching from the South (for example, from Exit 6 for 31st St)
Turn left onto Cottage Grove Ave
Turn right onto 33rd street (note: it will say "Dead End" - this is correct)
Proceed until the road ends and you will see a parking lot directly in front of IMPACT's offices
Overall, our parking lot is located off of Cottage Grove Avenue between 31st St. and 35th St.